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Case Share


New Molar Septum Classification

Retrospective Multicenter Study with Up-to-5-Year Follow-Up, Introducing a New Molar Socket Classification


Osseodensification effect on implants

Data complied as a function of osteotomy indicated significantly higher IT for OD relative to SD.



Implants placed in low-quality bone sites

Clinical Assessment of Dental Implants Placed in Low-Quality Bone Sites Prepared for the Healing Chamber with Osseodensification Concept: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial...



Alveolar ridge expansion by osseodensification

Frequently, healed edentulous ridges serving as potential implant sites have inadequate dimensions to accommodate implant placement...



Osseodensification For Implant Site Preparation In The Maxilla

Osseodensification (OD) is an innovative surgical technique for implant site preparation that avoids bone sacrifice, contrary to the conventional drilling protocols. This is possible because of special burs...



Osseodensified Crestal Sinus Window Augmentation

A novel minimally invasive technique, osseodensification, is proposed to facilitate maxillary sinus bone graft augmentation. The osseodensified crestal window overcomes the previous limitations of traditional crestal approaches with respect to residual bone height...


A method that enhances bone density and allows transcrestal sinus augmentation

This 5-year follow up retrospective study demonstrated that osseodensification as an instrumentation technique that enhances bone density through compaction grafting...



Clinical Evaluation of Two Techniques for Narrow Alveolar Ridge Expansion: Clinical Study

Implant placement in horizontally deficient alveolar ridges can be challenging. Several bone expanding surgical techniques have been established in order to simultaneously allow horizontal bone expansion along with implant placement in one surgical visit...


Evaluation of crestal sinus floor elevations using Densah burs with simultaneous implant placement

This prospective clinical study, which included twenty crestal sinus foor elevations, was conducted on 17 patients (10 males and 7 females, ages 29 to 70 years)...


A poor density bone can negatively influence the bone to implant contact (BIC) and delay osseointegration. Various osteotomy techniques and drilling procedures have been used to increase stability in low-density bone...

